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Meet Our Speakers at the Fashion Major Event 2022

In: business, career, Education & Learning, Fashion, Inspiration

The Fashion Major Event this year is themed Fashion futurism and it is based on the Future of Fashion.

The Following speakers will present at the FME 2022. Here are what you should know about these great men and women.

1. Pretty Kubyane:

Pretty is the co-founder of Coronet Blockchain. Her business experience started at a young age of 6 years, working in her family owned business. Prior to co-founding Coronet Blockchain in 2019, she worked within management consulting, specializing in access to new markets. Coronet Blockchain is a B2B2C Marketplace. Pretty will speak on the topic Blockchain and the Fashion Industry.

Key highlights of Coronet blockchain include scaling a new business from 500 USD to 2 million USD within 36 months. They received two funding tranches from a US multinational, to build Coronet, a tailored blockchain enabled supply chain solution to disrupt Africa’s supply chains.
The vision of Coronet leading to 2030 covers the top 3 BFFs: Beauty, Fashion and Food, supply chains. Leveraging tech, for social good across 9 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

2. Feeya:

Ms. Feeya is the founder/CEO of 36 Degrees. She is a former beauty contest title owner, and with the experience as a miss & model, she built 36 Degrees. Now, she is the vice president of Miss Supraglobal, the national director of Miss African Golden Europe, the vice president of Miss Summer World, and Art director Glamourfaces DE. She will speak on the topic Youth Empowerment in the Fashion Industry.

3. Anthony Ibegbulem:

Anthony is a Senior Digital Fashion Executive at Dcaplabs, a technology-based company that creates quality NFT products. He is also a project management coordinator at CIAFE (Council for International African Fashion Education), an organization dedicated to improving the standards of Fashion Education in Africa. Anthony will speak on NFTs in Fashion.

Starting as a fashion designer, he has worked closely with diverse creative teams in the fashion industry. Transitioning his career, Anthony is exploring digital fashion as a concept to redefine fashion business in a new market. His special focus is on overseeing the successful implementation of digital technologies in fashion design and production. As someone who is curious about new technologies and problem-solving, his long-term goal is to learn continuously, develop sustainable design solutions through technology, and encourage seamless collaborations across disciplines in the fashion industry.

4. Mokodu Fall:

Mokodu is a designer born in Senegal who additionally brings his African identification into his creations. His textiles are hand-painted with African-inspired photographs. “My assortment displays my African origins,” he told AFP. “They are artworks that transpose onto garments.” After working as a cartoonist and painter, Mokodu fall now applies his inventive expertise to trend designs. Mokodu will be our special guest on the topic “Fashion Art Live Workshop“.

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