Africa, a continent of immense potential, is plagued by a pressing issue: energy poverty. With a vast population and abu...
Energy is universal, and it is required for productivity in any part of the world. Africa as a continent is not left out...
Does solar energy have any disadvantage?The laudable relevance and impact of solar energy in our world today could make ...
Is Electricity a Social Amenity?
World Bank, Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL) estimated the electricity access rate in Nigeria to be at 56.5% in 2018....
Nuclear power role (if any) with regards to energy generation and climate change
In the year 2015, the Paris Agreement came into place with the majority of member parties to the United Nations Framewor...
The Green culture; An escape from environmental crises
Yes! We should go green.You might be wondering what “going green” means. It is adopting and implementing practices that ...
Benefits of Gas powered cars
Energy gist series by Ayodeji SteveThe first thought that comes to mind is the financial benefit that comes with gas pow...