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In: career, Education & Learning

Are you a woman looking for opportunities and with a migration background living in Germany?

Do you have a qualification or work experience from your home country?

There are available opportunities for women of any background, especially if you already have some skilled experience back home.

Have you heard of PerMenti?

PerMenti is a project within Grone, a bildungsträger.

Are you with job center or Agentur für Arbeit? You might be eligible for some benefits with Grone. Are you looking for some training to do? or training for your kids?

We hosted Juliane Mohr at our Career Gist. Juliane Mohr is a coach and team leader in PerMenti, a project within Grone Bildungszentren NRW GmbH.

The name of the project is PerMenti, it stands for Perspektiven für Qualifizierte Frauen Mit Migrations-Oder Fluchthintergrund. In English, Opportunities for Qualified Women with Migration or Refugee backgrounds.

Grone Bildungszentren NRW gGmbH, is a bildungs träger. Project PerMenti target group is women, although Grone has other projects for all groups of persons. We will focus on qualified women for this particular project with the different residence titles – Aufenthaltserlaubnis, Gestattung, duldung.

The challenges within the Project

Approval of their certificates: Can they work with the different types of certificates they have? Some want to work in the same job or switch to other jobs. Sometimes, the certificates need to be translated into German language and sent to the Annerkenung office. This takes a long time to be done.

Further training required: Those who want to work on similar jobs or change jobs will require further training before they are accepted into these jobs.

Internships are difficult to find: no adequate job-related internships or work offers.

Cultural differences: it takes some time to adjust to the new system in Germany, coming from different cultural backgrounds.

The specific situation of migrated/refugeed women

Compatibility of family and career, childcare: organizing their family lives, the children’s school, or childcare for the little ones.

Aim of PerMenti

Support in taking up adequate jobs based on their qualification, or apprenticeships in Germany in order to make a contribution against the shortage of skilled workers.

Why? Germany is dependent on people who come from different countries to fill up the gap. People who want to work and who already have the qualification can be supported to get suitable jobs.

Mediator between women and companies: Matching, coaching, and evaluation.

You have the possibility to gain more insight into the PerMenti Project by sending an email to info@ogalady.com.

Below is the full video from the conversation on opportunities for qualified women in the German job market.

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