Dr. Sebi, also known as Alfredo Darlington Bowman, was born on November 23, 1933, in llanga, Honduras. He identified to be an African. Dr. Sebi was an African Bio-electrical cell food therapist and also a herbalist He never went to any formal school but, he had parents that taught him the traditional way He learned herbalism through his grandmother, who he professed is a traditional healer, and as such, he studied a variety of traditions from Africa, Central America, and the Caribbean While living in Honduras in California, Dr. SEBI was unsuccessfully treated for different ailments, including obesity, diabetes, and erectile dysfunction Dr. SEBI has been struggling with weight since 1964, when he was diagnosed with obesity and weighed 291 pounds He was also impotent up to 30 years of age He claimed to have gotten a piece of information in 1964 from Mexico by a Mexican named Alfredo Cortez, who believed that your cell predisposition should determine what you should eat He was also diagnosed with diabetes and asthma and placed in salmon New Jersey in 1961 Dr. SEBI had always wanted to know what would be on the other side of being big, and he started staying away from food He stayed away from food for 64 days where he weighed 120 instead of 291, and made a mistake because he had a space to do ephemeral and went to the beach, where he eventually fainted He claimed he hadn’t felt this good in his entire life after his act of staying away from food what he did was to discontinue anything that has to do with glucose He claimed glucose is the underlying enemy of obesity Dr. SEBI claimed to be a Muslim and attested to his love for Islam as Islam gave him a lot of good things He claimed to have met the massager who told him to he couldn’t eat meat any longer nor ram or milk and he abstained from all of these things.
Dr. SEBI lived in Honduras, California. In Honduras, he discovered a plant known as CUSKA. CUSKA is a significant plant in use with another plant known as TESINTE. Both plants do not have starch or glucose, and they help you to lose weight. Dr. SEBI worked in his village Busa in Honduras, where he directed programs, billing, handling, and shooting organic electronic programs. He claimed to learn the use of water in Ecuador, where the people of bicalaba dine in 78% water and 22% solid, when people were dying of AIDS at an alarming rate. He was a forerunner in the natural remedy movement; as part of his practice, he prescribed a strict vegan diet that cut out sugar, alcohol, and iodized salt to help the body regenerate and heal itself. Dr. SEBI has been a proponent of a healthy lifestyle such as veganism and alternative medicine throughout his lifetime. Dr. SEBI explained how he cured AIDS patients through intracellular cleansing, where he cleaned every cell that makes every organ in the patient’s biological structure.

In the early 1980s, when AIDS was recognized as a disease and a pandemic, Dr. SEBI began treating people with obesity, AIDS, lupus, cancer, diabetes, sickle cell, blindness, etc. On February 3, 1987, detectives came to his home, and he professed that his mother knew they were coming for him when he told his mother that he had cured 13 AIDS patients. He was charged to court for practicing medicine without a license, saying he had a remedy to cure AIDS, cancer, and diabetes, and charged to Supreme Court. When he was in jail, he wondered what the defense against him would be. Dr. SEBI later won the case as the court failed to prove he made a medical diagnosis.
Bowman returned to Honduras and developed what became known as Dr. Sebi’s Cell Food. His center, the USHA Research Institute, is located in the small town of La Ceiba. And these products were sold almost exclusively in the United States. Through these products, he began to attract the attention of celebrities’ clients such as Michael Jackson, Lisa Lopez, Eddie Murphy, etc. Dr. SEBI decided to extend his services to some African leaders, but they all rejected his proposal. He went to South Africa during the time of Nelson Mandela but was sent away. He was also sent packing from the Dominican and Zimbabwe.
Before his death, Dr. SEBI was arrested along with his associate Pablo Medina Gamboa on May 28, 2016, at Juan Manuel Gálvez de Roatan Airport on money laundering charges. He was transported to Honduras jail, where he awaited arraignment. In June 2016, he fell ill and was taken to Vicente D’antoni Hospital. On August 6, 2016, Dr. SEBI died from pneumonia complications. He died penniless in a Honduran jail cell under mysterious circumstances in 2016. There was an investigation about his death as many noticed there was foul play. Many people associated the end of Nipsey Hussle with the death of Dr. SEBI. Hussle was killed in Los Angeles while working on a documentary about Dr. SEBI. The official cause of Dr. SEBI’s death was pneumonia, his family noted in some interviews that he was murdered, and 17 children survived him.