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In: business, Health and Food, Inspiration

Working from home has its implications and can be multifaceted like every decision we embark on. On the one hand, working from home enables the employee to manage time and spend more of it with family, creating a balanced life. On the other hand, it can become boring. From the perspective of the employer, it can save cost in the long-run of office space or extra expenses for location change of the employee, while contrary to the benefit of cost-saving, the employer can not tell what the employee is doing or if they are on track with the assignment given.
Today’s technology has provided the opportunity to benefit in a world of ever-changing flux. If you or your firm do not adapt to the changes, you may cease to exist as change is the only constant. I, therefore, present 5 golden benefits of the home office.

  1. Reduced Micromanaging: If you employ someone to do a job, let the person deliver on the assignment. Of course, you as an employer can expect updates on the progress report, the employee is bound to fill you in with updates and seek advice and information on matters that can lead to success in the implementation of assigned jobs or duties.
  2. Higher productivity: with the feeling of responsibility comes high productivity. Depending on what perspective you look at, the productivity rate is increased when each party (employer, employee, clients, stakeholders, etc) know what is expected of them. With the reduction of asymmetric information comes increased productivity as employees can effectively execute the job remotely or at home with available resources – in this case, technology.
  3. Time Management: A very important aspect of life is how you manage your time. Proper planning can improve home office success as you can allocate time for research, calls, meetings, appointments (teleconference or video-conference), care for the home-especially family time as children if applicable need attention too. Family time increases the likelihood of a balanced life as well as reduces stress in some cases.
  4. Increase in vital communication: As I mentioned above, communication can take various forms such as teleconferencing, video conferencing, chats/texts to improve work processes. The home office reduces the number of chitchats we would have as compared in the office setting.
  5. Geographic Limitation is removed: A company can employ staff from around the world/globe who do not need to travel from their location, thereby reducing relocation costs and saving money for the company. From an employee perspective, the employee can relax in his or her comfort zone and focus on work. Less travel time (save time), reduced rush hours and traffic on the roads or in trains, the environment gains with less pollution from public and private transportation systems as people reduce their carbon footprints.

However, one very important negative impact of home office that should be avoided at all costs is ISOLATION. Since humans are social beings and not computers, too long isolation can lead to a negative effect on health. A balance of human contact and connection is necessary (I do not mean social media). For example, go for a run, or a walk, take in the sunlight and fresh air, drop your gadgets, and talk to someone else in person.

Working from home is a great opportunity to manage your time and succeed in any aspect of life if the advantages are properly utilized.

2 thoughts on “5 Golden Benefits of Home Office”

  1. One of the positive things I know the Covid-19 pandemic has done especially in Africa is that it has led to increase in the number of tech savvy individuals who have now embraced technology without much skepticism as before. Thanks to remote access and virtual technologies which makes it possible for people to work from home, and schools hold classes for kids at home as well.

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