On Monday, 4th October 2021 at about 6:00 pm, the social media networks of Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram seized for a bit. Thinking it was just the usual network issues of seconds reconnection, it took so long to get back.
Reaching out to see if it was a phone problem, making some calls through the normal mobile network to various numbers to confirm if they were having similar problems with their social network. There, the news came that the Facebook group networks went down, also that their shares dropped 5%.
Some say it was a DNS (Domain Name System) problem that affected the main Facebook server, others say it came after the whistleblower indictment of Facebook on 60 Minutes. Frances Haugen who worked in Facebook as a data scientist revealed in the interview on Sunday 3rd October 2021 that Facebook was making a profit while endangering the safety of the public. She pointed out that the company is “Paying for its profits with our safety”.
According to Professor Ndubuisi Ekekwe, the lesson to learn from this downtime of Facebook Inc. is to build a foundational stack that can help the business empire to attain “marginal cost improvement”.
Facebook Inc. has not said exactly what happened to its networks, we hope to keep you updated on what happens next.