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In: business, Education & Learning, Health and Food, Inspiration

Renewable energy as a source of sustainable and reliable fuel has become a key means of achieving economic development with less negative impact on the climate and environment.

Indeed, without fuel, heat, light, and power it is impossible to build or run the industries and cities that provide goods, jobs, and homes, nor enjoy the amenities that make life more comfortable and enjoyable.

“Energy has become the oxygen of the economy and the life-blood of growth, particularly in the mass industrialization phase that emerging economic giants are facing today.” Peter. V. (2012).

Although crude oil, natural gas, and coal have been the main source of energy in the world economy for over one hundred years, it is now well established that these high densities and easily available fossil fuels have brought more harm with its use.

Hence, nations of the world have begun to embrace renewable energy sources to mitigate climate change and reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. From agriculture to education to health and households, renewable energy sources are becoming the preferred option especially in rural areas that are underserved or unserved by the national grid.

About Ayodeji (Contributor)

Ayodeji Adekanbi is a graduate of Physics from the University of Ilorin, Nigeria. He is a social and energy enthusiast whose heart is keen on seeing an eruption of Renewable Enegy alive in Nigeria and Africa. A current postgraduate fellow of Renewable Energy at the Prestigious university of Ibadan, Oyo state, Nigeria. He is a staunch advocate of the SDGs and believes they are largely achievable by 2030, given our individual, and mutual contribution in our respective sectors and mode of living.

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