Jonah the crochet weaving prodigy
Jonah was 6 months old baby when he was adopted from an Ethiopian orphanage home, the home where he was sheltered and cared for by loving people. At age 5, he taught himself how to crochet weave and has since then become perfect to the extent of challenging grand mothers who crochet weave.
He has at eleven years old, become a leader in the crochet world, connecting so many people around the world sharing love. With his magical hands, he has weaved different lovely styles, hats, scarfs, etc which has turned into a profitable business.
Without forgetting “Roots Ethiopia”, he started a GoFundMe for the children in the Ethiopian orphanage where he came from to give back to the society.
Finding what you are good at, and focusing on it, can in the future lead to a profitable venture. Like Jonah, find yours and make it happen with consistency.
Below is a Fb video from ‘Now This’ showing more interesting information on Jonah, you have no choice than to love him more.
#focus #business #crochet #weaves #Jonah’shands #Rootethiopia #givingback #adoption #humanity #entreprenuership #consistency #love
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